Our last island get-away
We spent 3 nights on the island of Mykonos. Our last island stop on our travels..it is a little sad. It is pretty here. We are staying right on the beach again in a ghetto little "beach hut" which is pretty much a tin shack with bugs and beds. Its fine though cause we have met up with a bunch of cool people. There is good beaches and food so we can't really complain.
The first day here we rented ATVs

and drove around the island a little bit. It was a lot of fun but a bit scary at first since everyone here drives so crazy. Of course we were the only ones ever to wear our helmets on a 4 wheeler but better safe than sorry!haha. Our ATV had a flag on the back..the kind that people put on the handy dart scooters..they must have seen us coming. We went to a couple really nice beaches and looked aroun the town which is really cute! They have a bunch of windmills and a little area called "little venice" which is right on the water.

The next day we went on a day trip to the island of Delos which is an histori site. It was pretty cool to see and we hiked up a "mountain" which was 100m high and got a good view of all the islands around it. We got a bunch of people to go so it was a nice to have a big group. We only stayed there for a couple hours because it was so hot!

Now we have to leave and go to Athens and do some agressive sight seeing. We have 1 more full day together..very sad. Then off to Switzerland which should be interesting. We met a bunch of people from Sweden in Ios. I asked them where they were from and they said they were Swedish..so then I say "oh I'm going to Switzerland next week!!" woops.

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