I am in Nice right now with Keeley and Julia. We arrived this afternoon from Paris. Paris was amazing. We saw the Eifel Tower and all the other famous sights. Ate lots of cheese and bread and drank really cheap wine! The first day we got there was on Julias birthday and we went the the Eifel Tower. We had a classy picnic under that involved all of us drinking wine out of the bottle and ripping bread and cheese. At night it was all light up and every hour in sparkled so when we were taking the elevator up it was sparkling. It was too late to clinb the stairs, they closed it off. On our last day there we did a tour of the Catachompes. It is an old mine that was used after to store the bones of all the dead people. The signs said they were placed in a decorative fashion. There were millions of bones and skulls piled along corriders that were 1.2 km long. It was really creepy. People could go down to pay their respects. I think it opened in 1750s. It was soo deep below the city. We went to the Le Louvre and a couple other museums. The Louvre is HUGE we did not even go to a whole wing of it. My french has been coming back to me very slowly but at least I can sort of understand what people are saying sometimes. This morning we caught a train to Nice. Its really nice here...we walked around and saw all the big yachts. I am still waiting for someone to invite me on theirs. Tomorrow we are going to Monacco which I am really excited about. They have casinos that are for high rollers only and we are gonna see if we can get in to get a picture.
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