Would you girls likea somea winea?

My blog site is in Italian...im not even sure if i am posting this right now.
Julia and I spent 1.5 relaxing days in Cinque Terre. The train ride there definately was a tad stressful though the 100s of other Canadians waiting for the train helped. Everyone waiting was from Canada or the states..it was weird. I even bumped into Angela from UVIC and I havent seen her since end of exams last year! We met these 2 girls Tiffany and Karalee from Qualicum and they ended up missing their connection to Venice and coming to Cinque Terre with us! Our train was late and then it switched platforms and it wasnt announced so everyone was running down to the next platfrom. The train arrived and all the doors opened except for our car. There were a bunch of us just running and trying to get into another door when all the doors started shutting. A couple guys were trying to hold the doors open for us....eventually they closed all the doors and there were still people outside. They opened them 5 mins later... that was a stress.
Julia and I havent really mastered the language yet...even though I did take a semester of Italian at school. So we talka witha italia accents..so maybe the people willa understanda us. It must get very annoying for people around us. I went to the front desk and the man spoke no english and shoved the phone in my ear and I had to try to be a translater for him....i didnt do a good job and im pretty sure they people decided not to stay there..woops.

When we finally got to Cinque Terre is was beautiful! We stayed in the village called Monterosso which is on the end of the 5 fishing villages on along the water. We had a room to ourselves with a "double" bed which was 2 twins pushed together. We didnt have a bathroom..we had to share the one in the hall. However we did have a sink, a mirror and a ba-day (so have no idea how to spell those) right beside the sink. Kinda weird since it was pretty much beside the bed...dont really know who would use that if the other person was in the room..nowhere else to look if you were on it. Eww we did not take part of the culture. We got our first Italian Gelato which was sooo amazing.
I took a picture to document it.It was so good I got a second one..so far the count is 4 and ive been in Italy for 3 days. We went out for dinner for some good Italian pasta and wine! On our way back to the hostel-hotel a man came out of his house and said

"You girls wanta the winea. Comea to my cellar and youa buya mya winea."
We followed him into his wine cellar and we bought our most expensive bottle yet.. 7.50 Euros. (Usually we spend 2-3 on bottles)We went down to the beach with our girls and drank our wine. Except the Qualicum girls wine was corked and a little fizzy and ours smelt like rotten eggs. If you convinced yourself it was cheese it was easier to drink...it tasted fine and we already had a bottle before so we just drank our smelly wine! Afterwards we went to the local bar called "fast" and got another bottle of red wine...we were the only girls there so these 2 American guys saved us from the locals.

The next morning we did the hike between the villages. It was so beautiful but a lot hard than I expected. The first leg too us just over an hour and was the hardest. It was like mini grouse grinds...and then going back down and then back up. The views were spectacular...you are either on little narrow paths along vineyards and trees or on the cliff side with the Sea crashing down below. The first village was cute and we stopped to have a snack and explore. The second leg wasnt as tough but still had a lot of steps going up up up. That took us just over an hour as well. The whole thing took about 5 hours including our stops. We had our first Italian pizza in the village...it was soo good. The water is so blue at our village so we went for a qucik dip. Well I dove in and got back out right away cause im a wimp with cold water. Shocking. We rented a paddle boat with a slide! We paddled around for an hour....a little sketch since they didnt give us lifejackets and it wasnt very calm. We survived.
We were going to save money and buy groceries but everything closes at 8 except the restaurants...so we just had to go out for pizza and pasta. It was tough...after we went to Fast and everyone was there...Angela and her boyfriend, and some American guys from Seattle who were really nice and were our age.

We are in Florence now...going to see many sights tomorrow.
so hot!!!!
But could be hotter if they said, "We only party with the best" in Italian (real italian, not julia's awful italian/german accent)
love/miss ya dollface
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