Back away Gypsies

I have spent 3 days in Roma now and it was fun! Everyone in Italy seems to think I am a local..and keep talking to me in Italian. Even when I am speaking english. I dont get it..I look like a tourist..a decent outfit ruined with runners and a big map in front of my face.You walk down the road and turn a corner and boom..there are some acient ruins hanging out in the middle of a block. It is so weird to walk around and see all these places in the middle of a city. They first day we went to the Collesium (so cant spell that) which was huge! We walked around it and went inside...and made a bad call by doing an English tour. It started late and ended early and we didnt learn one thing! I am not a fan of tour groups...and this did not help the cause. Julia and I call every big group we see together "Contiki" cause thats the only tour group name we know. They take up so much space and its hard to get by them. Anyways inside the Colleseum was worth checking out but the outside is more impressive. It is hard to imagine what id did look like though...they took away so much of it to build other objects. Thats what I learned on this trip...old sites were used at quarries for building materials for new thats why so many look like they are falling apart. Oh the one thing I learned from the tour was that the Romans didnt feed the Christians to the lions there..only prisnors...that would suck. All around that area are ruins and we spent the morning touring around. It was really cool.

Roma is very hot and very humid so its hard to do a lot of walking and site seeing. Cultural crap takes a lot out of one. We did catch all the famous sites over 3 days.
We went to the Trevi fountain and threw our coins in to return. Thats what you are supposed to do and another coin grants you a wish.

Now the gypsies in Italia are getting very annoying. They sometimes like to wear matching outfits and stick there hands out in your face for money. Julia and I are good at spotting them and always give a gypsy alert before we walk by them. Yesterday I was on the pay phone and one came up to me blabbling in italian..and I said no I dont speak italian..then she says " you give me money" it was weird. I was annoucing that there was an annoying gypsy in front of me and she spoke english...woops. Anyways I yelled at her to go away and that I only had a phone card if she wanted that. She didnt. Weird. Not a fan of the gypsies. The best part of Roma is that they have 1L juice box container style of wine for....98cents!! Cheaper than water and jucie!